ann fragranceの香り

Exploration of fragrance starting from Evaluator

Do you know the job of an evaluator?

I think most people are not used to hearing this.

An evaluator is an occupation that works with perfumers to create perfumes.
Focusing on the end user,
Instead of maximizing the perfumer's sensibility, they find just the right spot in the vast map of deep psychology.
All we have to do is come to terms with the market.

Even if a perfume is created by a perfumer who is hailed as a genius,
If you can't find a landing spot in the market,
The evaluator makes the decision not to send it out into the world.

Japan is called an underdeveloped country when it comes to fragrance.
Although it has come to be called this because of the differences in culture, lifestyle, and values ​​with Western countries, we believe that the Japanese aesthetic sense of fragrance is at a high level, contrary to its reputation.

A scent that you've always wanted in your subconscious but never existed before.
A fragrance that harmonizes with the seasonal flowers that veil the city.
A fragrance that takes your diversifying lifestyle to the next level.

Rather than producing scents based on the creator's one-sided sensibilities, we propose new scents that skillfully incorporate the likes and dislikes of Japanese people.
We would be happy if we could make everyone's lives even more colorful.

produced by the evaluator
Please enjoy the scent of ann fragrance.

ann fragrance artwork

In contrast to fashion, where trends change from season to season, the history of fragrance is that it has become thicker and layered.

It began in 3000 BC when incense was offered to the gods, and since then,
A number of developed manufacturing methods and the expansion of trade,
Thanks to advances in chemistry, the culture of fragrance has continued to be passed down to the present day.

This time, artist Mari Kawakami
The label specially transcribed for ann fragrance uses a geometric pattern as its source.
It has an Art Deco appearance with everything made of straight lines.
While respecting the history of fragrance,
You can get a glimpse of the brand's new approach to fragrance.

The warm expressions are all hand-drawn,
A one-of-a-kind label painted in deep green, the brand color.
We guarantee the scent of ann fragrance.

Mari Kawakami Completed master's course at Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Design.
Exhibited at Milano Salone etc.
Works on artwork for domestic and international companies.

Atelier ann

VILLA ROSA is a vintage mansion that watches over the history of Harajuku.
In that room, on the other side of the door painted blue
There is an ann fragrance workshop.

Communicating with your exclusive perfumer across a 6 meter long marble counter.
Mixed with carefully selected brand-specific fragrances,
Enjoy creating a one-of-a-kind fragrance in the world.

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